
Privacy & Cookies


Personal Data Controller is: Berni Group S.r.l. registered office : Via C. Iotti, 67 - 42045 Luzzara (RE) Italy.

Source of Personal Data
The data in our possession were collected directly from the party concerned and will be treated according to current law. 
The collection and processing of personal data exclusively aim to comply with the requirements related to the execution of our Company's business activities and in detail:
1) communication, marketing and promotional practices 
2) recruitment activities.

The data collected for the above purposes shall be processed for the most part in an automated and computerised manner including all the operations prescribed by art. 34 paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 196/03 required for the processing in question. 
The processing of data shall be carried out by using adequate tools and procedures intended to guarantee the confidentiality and security and they may be collected either in paper or by electronic means by purposely appointed personnel.
Personal data related to the processing in question may be disclosed to : 
a)the Company's employees who will actually provide for their processing and storing in accordance with what prescribed by the safety standards of Berni Group S.r.l.
b)collaborators, consultants or self-employed professionals who work in the name of Berni Group S.r.l.
c)any companies linked to Berni Group S.r.l. by a relationship of control or business
d)Public Authorities to fulfil the relevant obligations under the law.


Nature of data collection 
The collection of certain personal data is required for the fulfillment of fiscal liabilities and obligations of law; refusal to supply said data shall hinder the establishment of business relations with our Company.

Communication and disclosure of data
Personal data and their processing shall be disclosed to companies and/or external consultants for the execution of business activities (commercial, management, financial and economic data collection, management of computer systems, for insurance purposes, banking or not banking intermediation, factoring, shipment management, packaging and mailing, management and protection of credit) or for the fulfillment of law provisions (accountants, notaries and lawyers). 
Collected data will not be disclosed nor disseminated, however it may be used by the Personal Data Controller and the people appointed to pursue the data processing who work for the Company's administration and accounting department.


Subject's Rights 
We inform you that every interested party has the right to exercise his rights stated in article 7 UE Regulation 206/ 679 of European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 and in detail: 
. the right to obtain confirmation whether or not personal data concerning the subject exist; 
. the right to obtain the source of personal data, the purposes and methods of processing, the logic used should the processing be made through the aid of computerised methods, the identification details of data controller, the people whom the data may be conveyed to: 
. the right to obtain updating, correction , cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data; 
. the right to oppose , for legitimate reasons, the processing of data; 
. the right to oppose the processing of data whose purpose is the despatch of advertising material or direct sale or commercial information.


This website uses cookies which are packets of information stored inside user's computer whose purpose is to make the surfing of the site easier and correct, to simplify the access to services for which authentication is required, to collect statistical data and finally to know which areas of the website have been visited. 
For a proper and complete use of this website pages we suggest you to configure your browser so that it will accept cookies. 
By visiting and using this site you accept cookies. 
Currently, the default settings of most web browsers are automatically accepting cookies, however visitors/users can rule out their use by activating the appropriate browser settings. 
It is always possible to refuse the consent to cookies by activating the appropriate browser settings. (FirefoxInternet ExplorerChromeOpera ,Safari).
Should visitors/users want to have the possibility to choose whether or not accept cookies from time to time, they may set their browser so that it gives them a notice whenever a cookie is saved.


Through this site visitors may access to Third Parties' services such links to social network services. 
Particularly, this site offers social plugins to FacebookYouTubeTwitterLinkedIn and Google+. These plugins do not supply cookies but if they are already existing in the user's computer, they are capable of reading and using them according to their settings. 
The collection and processing of data by said Third Parties are regulated by their Informative on Privacy which we suggest to refer to.


Detailed information on cookies
This website uses both persistent cookies (they are stored on the hard disk of the visitor/user's mobile device/personal computer until their expiry) and the so-called session cookies (which are not persistently stored on the user/visitor's computer and disappear when the browser session is over). Cookies are used to make the surfing of the site easier and correct, to simplify the access to services for which authentication is required, (preventing users from inserting authentication codes every time they want to access services offered by the website), for statistical purposes, to know which areas of the site have been visited and, in some cases, to improve its pages and advertising space which means to enhance the spreading of contents and advertisement in line with the preferences expressed by web surfers. Session cookies are used to transmit the session identification data necessary to allow a secure and efficient website exploration. Besides, this website may use its own cookies (for example to know the number of pages visited) or Third Parties' ones (i.e.: cookies generated by other websites to spread their contents on the website page you are visiting). This website may use Third Parties' anonymous cookies to manage the dissemination of advertisements in a dynamic and advanced manner. Popular browsers provide for the possibility to block Third Parties' cookies, and accept the cookies of the website you are visiting. In addition to that, some Companies which generate cookies on Third Parties' websites, provide for the possibility to disable or inhibit their own cookies only, in a simple and prompt way, even when they are anonymous, that is they do not lead to the registration of identifying personal data (i.e.: IP address).


Cookies placed for aggregated analysis on website visits
This website uses aggregated analysis methods on navigation data which allow to enhance Websites (Google Analytics, Google AdWords) These methods use cookies stored on user's computer to allow the website manager to analyse how users use the website. Information generated by cookies on how a visitor uses the website (including the IP address previously made anonymous by deleting few digits) will be transmitted to and stored on Google server. Such information will be used to track and analyse the use of website by users, fill in website activity reports and supply further services related to the website activity and Internet use. Users who do not want Google Analytics cookies on their computer may refuse the consent to their storing by downloading the “Google Analytics Opt out Browser add-on” by Google which is available at the following web address: To enable the said browser add-on, inhibiting the collection and sending of information relative to users' visits on websites, you will simply have to download it on your computer following the instructions on the screen, then restart your browser again.


Cookies placed to publish advertisements based on users' interests
This website may use Third Parties' cookies to publish advertisements based on users' interests. This information is collected while user is web browsing and it is absolutely not linked to the account visitor uses to access the website. Particularly, Google Adwords by Google Inc. uses navigation data within its online advertising circuit to publish relevant advertisements based on customers' interests. Berni Group S.r.l. exploits this technology and uses navigation data within its own website to supply users with advertisement focused on their interests. Each browser allows users to disable Third Parties' cookies intended to disseminate on line advertisement based on users' preferences. Instructions to disable cookies from the main browsers are specified at paragraph “COOKIES”. In case there are more than one device ( for example: computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), user shall make sure that the browser on each device is properly set according to his preferences towards cookies.


Description of cookies used by the website

_ga:  persistent
_gat:  persistent
__utma: persistent
__utmb: persistent
__utmv: persistent
__utmc: session
__utmz:  persistent

All website pages, we use information collected through limited monitoring method to enhance contents and navigation paths within our website. This information helps us to know the number of pages visited,  which search engine the user is coming from, which key words is being used.

Any communication of personal data to Berni Group S.r.l. is optional and your rights may be exercised by sending a written notice even by mail.